Starting January 1, 2022 the monthly lot rent will increase.
Highland Woods
800 Quacco Rd.
Savannah, GA 31419
October 28, 2021
Dear Tenant,
The last rent increase was July 1, 2021. Since then your M/H/P community has experienced an increase in costs across the board such as wages, insurance, taxes, costs of materials, and repairs. Last year a major drainage project was repaired and upgraded at the cost of $30,000. Also, a major increase was the fire fee to Chatham Fire at almost 350%.
The pandemic has been, to say the least, a major disruption. However, Highland Woods continued to operate efficiently as housing during the critical shelter in place period.
Also, in the last year besides drainage, some improvements by management are street lighting has been installed and upgraded, roads have been repaired, mail shelters have been upgraded and the lake dock has been built.
Your M/H/P has some of the lowest rents in the region. We invite you to compare.
Starting January 1, 2022 the monthly lot rent will increase by $25.00 per lot over the current rent.
If you have any questions please call the office at 912-925-9673
Thank You,
The Management